Hi 👋, I'm Dora Zhao.
I am a second-year CS PhD student at Stanford University, co-advised by Professors Michael Bernstein and Diyi Yang. Previously, I was an AI Engineer at Sony AI on the Ethics flagship project. I also worked in the Princeton Visual AI Lab, advised by Professor Olga Russakovsky.My research lies at the intersection of human-computer interaction and machine learning fairness. I am broadly interested in designing technical methods that empower community control over AI systems and improving practices around machine learning dataset collection.
If you are an undergraduate student interested in similar research topics, please feel free to reach out.
- [07/24] Attended ICML 2024 and presenting our position paper on dataset diversity.
- [10/23] Gave a talk at understanding biases in multimodal systems at the MUWS workshop @ CIKM 2023.
- [10/23] Two papers accepted to NeurIPS D&B 2023.